Green Web Tracker
Tracking the progress of the internet towards 100% fossil free hosting. Updated every two weeks.
View one of the public indexes below, or read more about this project.
Tracking the progress of the internet towards 100% fossil free hosting. Updated every two weeks.
View one of the public indexes below, or read more about this project.
A set of public indexes covering various types of websites. These public lists are sourced from open datasets, and submitted by members of the community. Get involved and submit your own!
A list of all domain name retailers that may also provide DNS, email and hosting services.
A list of all active .eco domains from the .eco domain registry.
A list of the top 500 websites according to SEO tooling provider Moz.
Domains used by online advertising networks for either serving or monitoring ad content.
Domains used by online analytics services to measure or track user behaviour.
Third-party Social Media Domains
Domains that enable social media features on websites.
Domains used enable video player and streaming functionality.
A list of government domains for countries in the United Nations.
Help us track the progress of the internet towards 100% fossil free hosting.